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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Senior Session at Hermann Park

Had a great time this past weekend with the Gardner family! We went to Hermann Park for Freddy's senior session, along with his sister Erin (2nd year at Univ. of Texas) and his mother Anna. The park was extremely crowded, as it was a beautiful sunny day in Houston, but we managed to walk away with some great images.

Here are a few from the day.

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Sunday, May 21, 2006

TriCoast's very own Cody - BirthDay!!!

We had a great time with friends up in a small town this past weekend near College Station, home of Texas A&M. Cody's birthday was Sat. also so he enjoyed blowing out some candles on the bride's wedding cake to get the party started!

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

In College Station...Again!!!

Great couple - great times - ready for a good wedding...

Got up and left the casa around 7am on Sat. morning drove into College Station, Home of the Texas Aggies to photograph a wonderful couple who we truely enjoy being around, Michelle and Shane. Check back for some GREAT images since this couple really knows how to have fun and party!!!

Here are a few from the event!

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Friday, May 12, 2006

Heading to the BIG EASY.........

Cody and Mike will be going to New Orleans for a little R&R and also to attend and teach photography courses to about 250 photographers around the country and even a few from overseas. Should be one heck of a fun time, a good learning experience and of course one that should assist TriCoast in getting better at what we love to do - photography!

Sheldon is staying home in Houston and will be photographing a Senior session or two while Mike and Cody are gone so check back for some great images from the senior session as well as from New Orleans.

As a sidenote: Mike from Houston Camera Exchange ( donated 3 National Geographic backpack-medium bags with a value of $150 each to winners of the best photograph taken on some of the "breakout street sessions" which will be going on in New Orleans. TriCoast Photgraphy would like to send out a personal thank you to Mike and Houston Camera Exchange for supporting the local small business professional photographers in Houston and around the country!!!

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Saturday, May 06, 2006

Wedding in Beautiful Fredericksbrug, Texas

TriCoast has been invited to attend a wonderful couple's wedding on Sunday May 7th in Fredericksbrug Texas. Jennifer and Keith are both amazing photographers as well as just about every guest in the house. From Kirk, owner of and Tim Bagby as two of the official photographers of the wedding and Jen Hillenga and others as Maid of Honor, this is truely going to be one of the best collection of amazing photographers in the United States. You even have Lori Nordstom, who is the artist who took the cover image on this months Professional Photographers of America Inc. Magazine. TriCoast is quite honored to not only be invited to be a guest but also partake in taking photographs of the special event. Check back later this week for a few images from this truely Star Studded Professional Photographer event.

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Great couple at an Historic Plantation House in Texas

A great fun couple getting married today (May 6th 2006) at Varnor Hogg Plantation House in West Columbia Texas. We shot there engagement session as well as the Bride's bridal session at this location also. Check back for more of the wedding soon!!!

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A Wedding in Victoria, Texas!

Well the rehearsal dinner is over and the wedding will be shortly also. Cody and Sheldon both had a great time going down to Victoria to cover this great couple's rehearsal dinner on Friday May 5th. Here are a few from the event with more from the wedding coming soon!

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Senior Session Downtown Houston

Had a great time recently with a great young lady in downtown Houston for her Senior 2006 session. Hitting many of the highspots in the town we captured some great images and ended the day getting dinner at the HardRock Cafe.

Here are a few from the day.

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