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Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Dave Cross - Yeah the Photoshop Guru and TriCoast

Well hell has frozen over for TriCoast because one of our dreams and passions has come true which we never thought would happen! TriCoast has the honor of being on Dave Cross blog with Photography, Photoshop, tips and tricks and other goodies from the main man of Photoshop!

Mike was honored to be asked by Dave to "Finish the Sentence" for his blog post last week. Roughly Dave asks questions and Mike tried to answer them as truthful and honest as possible without showing just how much of a real dumb-butt Mike is!

Thanks again Dave for asking us, we truly were honored and yes shocked one who even know who we are and two you would have us on your really cool blog. Hopefully in the future, we can do more things together because as Jordan said "that man is amazing"!


Blogger Pink Zipper said...

great responses mike. interesting read. you seem like such a generous people with you time and knowledge. well done!

2/2/09, 4:05 AM  

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