TriCoast would like to officially welcome the newest member of the family, Cindy. Cindy will be wearing a lot of shoes for TriCoast, from office manager to assisting Cody and I on session in the lighting department, anwering telephone calls for our amazing clients and will be the backbone of our new senior marketing business. So with that said this very well might be my (Mike)

last blog, which in reality is a good thing cause if you look at the entires I am not the best at keeping up on this stuff :) Needless to say Cindy has brought some baggage along with her to the family in the way of a four legged wild and crazy dog named Moose. So on behalf of myself and Cody we would like to officially welcome Cindy into the mix of the wild and crazy life of TriCoast. We are growing as a business and it is nice to have someone like Cindy whos personality and laughter seems to put everyone around her in a good mood. So if you
see Cindy around at one of TriCoast's National Speaking Engagements or assisting Cody and I at a session make sure you stop and say hello!

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