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Friday, January 11, 2008

Anyone out there?

Just wondering. Leave a comment if you are :)

I was informed at Imaging USA that some of the readers were dissappointed that there is not a way to subscribe to the blog. Well, I dug around the blogger and found the RSS link which has been broken for some time now. So, if you're still interested in subscribing, here's the RSS link!

- Jordan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike - It was such a pleasure to meet you, Cody and Susie at Imaging:) I love your stuff and would love to learn from you. I've heard you will be at PPANI this coming year - so I will be planning on going:) Would love to subscribe to your feed. I'll work on doing that.

Dawn Bergeron

1/11/08, 3:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Got the feed....thanks a bunch
It was great meeting the two of you and also Suzy.....I already sent her and email and got a reponse back from her. She's lovely. Thanks again. See you on the forum.

Cindy aka cdjr4

1/11/08, 4:13 PM  
Blogger Kevin Swan said...

Oh, we're out here... But I scoured your blog and didn't see any large photos of us together, or any mention of us... After all the drinks I bought you at Coyote Ugly?!


1/25/08, 9:31 AM  

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