I think only loved ones would say these two belong in front of the camera. But who knows, we might get a hit if I submit these to America's Next Top Model. These shots were for something that one of our awesome sponsors, Miller's Lab, needed for something I have no clue about. Mike explained it to me at one point. But post-hurricane Ike stress induced a Rockband marathon. In other words, I didn't hear a word Mike said. Deadline was short only because Lake Jackson still does not have power as of now. Internet access is still sparse. Mosquitoes, however, are in an overwhelming abundance. So no power, means no studio set up. Mosquitoes means no outdoor shots. Well, there goes our favorite elements to shoot in.

This is where Java Jazz comes in for the save. One of the ONLY coffee shops in Lake Jackson, City of Enchantment, that is fully functional WITH internet. Not to mention the Hawaiian Grog as one of their house specials. Nothing wrong with a cup of kona with toasted coconut blended in for that small touch of flavor. Just what I need before a shoot.(All you brides and seniors take note.)

Although we typically travel light, we brought every piece of mobile gear we had. I think I would have been happy shooting with my camera phone by the time we hauled everything in. I will say thought, this is not the norm for us. We travel light. Mainly because we are overweight and camera equipment gets heavy after a while.

I think the owner best summed it up when he said something along the line of"...look like musicians but don't know how to play a thing..." Which sadly, is very true. But we can play Rockband!

Before we packed everything up, the girls jumped in for their 15 mins of fame with the rocktars. (Rockstars on the xBox 360 that is...)

While we packed up, the owners of Java Jazz hopped up on stage to survey the damage. You know how crazy those rock musicians get after all. The banjo is not a show piece. He actually plucked out a tune and sounds awesome. I wonder if they will include the banjo in Rockband 3...
- Jordan