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Monday, February 16, 2009

WPPI: Getting there...

After staying up all night working on updating the new blog, it occured to me, 4am is only minutes away. That means we make our drive out to the airport to catch our flight to Las Vegas.

Quick photo before the flight attendant threatened to take the camera away from us.

Flight was only a short 3 hours. I think I was able to catch one or two zz's. Mike, fighting an eye infection, created a rather ingenious eye patch to block out the lights. I have to say I was rather jealous that I didn't think of that earlier. It looks snug too.

Once we landed, we took a quick walk around MGM Grand. Cody tried out a hat inside one of the malls many shops. Jonas Brothers?

A view from our hotel room. I accidentally loaded the fullsized image so it might take a while to load.

Enough with the shenanigans. Off to pick up our passes. We hope to see you out on the WPPI convention floor. If you do see us, please come up and introduce yourself! You can find us at Collages, Denny Mfg, Miller's, or Radiopopper booths. You might also come early to the Radiopopper booth to sign up for a limited seating free wireless flash demo with TriCoast and Radiopopper.

- Jordan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wish I could be there guys. Myabe next year for us. Hope ya'll have a great time.


2/16/09, 6:51 AM  
Blogger Amanda said...

I wish I could have been there - next year for sure!! You guys are awesome!

2/17/09, 5:41 AM  

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