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Saturday, April 21, 2007 - We made it Baby!!!

Had the chance to hang out with the founder of Trash The Dress website. Mark Eric. A popular new concept developed by several photographers originally using REAL clients who just enjoyed getting unique and one of a kind images which normally trashed their wedding gown. Sadly today many of the sessions are hired models and rented or bought for the session dresses, which was not the original concept but still make some very cool images. With that said our sexy beach images from one of our Day After Sessions found its way to Trash The Dress. If you get any images of this sort PLEASE submit them to these site, Mark has to be one of the best people I have meet in a very long time and well his blog ROCKS!


Blogger Chris Uglanica said...

Hey Mike and Cody,

I'm off to check out your submission to TTD, but wanted to say that I'll be submitting some shots from my own TTD last week.

It's odd that some are using models for the TTD sessions now. But, it definitely will help to spread the word. I've got several more clients for this year who are into doing it.

5/18/07, 12:56 PM  

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