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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Warmest Wedding Ever!

Although set in the coldest part of the US at the coldest part of the year, this wedding is truly one of the most heart warming event we've ever been a part of.
This goes to show you just what big miracles could happen through organ donation.

Here's a news coverage of the event.

A second segment which ran on the following day.

Raw footage if you're interested. Link.

Here are a few out of our cameras :)


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Sunday, January 20, 2008

To Samantha...Thank you...ALWAYS.

Our first wedding of the year is perhaps the most emotional wedding we have ever been a part of. Through the miracle of organ donor program, Lindsey walked down the aisle with her father in one arm, her donor's father in the other and some tissue in her hand. While Lindsey and her parent stood at the altar, they took some time to thank the one person that made this day possible and the one person that could not be there for that special day. Samantha.

The last frame of the slideshow reads:

To Samantha,
Because of you, I live on,
Because of choosing life,
YOU will live on.
Forever... in me.
Thank you ALWAYS.

Organizations such as Life Gift allows for second chances. Contact your local organ donor organization to see what you could do. Because the next person you save, could be someone in your family.

Few links:
More here...

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Friday, January 18, 2008

The Gift of Life

Well, about this time, Mike and Cody should be freezing their butts off. But for a good reason. This weekend is the long awaited wedding featured on the Tyra Banks show. Lindsey, a recipent of the organ donor program, is going to walk down the aisle, not only with her parents, but her donor parents as well.

Take a look at this video for the amazing story.

I'll post some images as the become available.

- Jordan

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Captivated by The Light

Ed Pierce is bringing a 4 hour seminar through Houston and several other cities all over the US. Mike Fulton recorded the TriCoast workflow with Ed earlier in the year as part of the PhotoVision DVD set. Mike is also sharing the spotlight with Ed Pierce, Sandy Puc, Parker Pfister, Vicki & Jed Taufer, Jeff & Julia Woods, Brian & Janine Killian, Rod Evans, and Janice Wendt on the DVD.

Seminar Goodies

Check out the link to see if Captivated by The Light will be coming to your city.

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Monday, January 14, 2008

Wedding in Hawaii

Beautiful wedding set in the most beautiful location. Hawaii. Timing couldn't be any better, because the small ceremony ended just in time for the sunset. Here are a couple from that day.

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Imaging USA 2008 - Done and over with...

But not forgotten :D Eventhough ImagingUSA 2008 has been over by a couple days, the experience is still overwhelming. Lots of new friends, lots of old friends, tons of products, and even more shenanigans.

Here's a video of our friends from Miller's Professional Imaging, from the ImagingUSA blog.

Video interview with

Some fun captured by the Collages folks at their party. Couple more here.

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Burning in the New Year!

What is it that will dictate a good New Year celebration?

A. Adult beverages
B. Good friends
C. Good ole Texas Barbeque
D. A fire fueled by a mixture of gasoline and diesel, ignited by a flare gun.
E. All of the above.

Check out the stupid fun caught on video.

TriCoast. Not only can we do the chicken dance better than you do, we'll light your fire...

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Anyone out there?

Just wondering. Leave a comment if you are :)

I was informed at Imaging USA that some of the readers were dissappointed that there is not a way to subscribe to the blog. Well, I dug around the blogger and found the RSS link which has been broken for some time now. So, if you're still interested in subscribing, here's the RSS link!

- Jordan

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

Collages Ad - The Actual Ad...

Just got an online version of it :) What do you think?

- Jordan

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...I'm Johnny Cash.

- Cody

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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Auctioned Off!!!

Mike Fulton of TriCoast was recently auctioned off for charity for the Digital Wedding Forum. One of the winning bids came from our friend from across the big pond, Nikki McLeod. Little did she know, she got Cody Clinton and me as well. So, after about 45 mins of inquisition regarding bagpipes, kilts, and Ole Nessy, Nikki got her 15 mins worth of mentoring session. Cody even let Nikki take explicit photos of him as well.

There were also four 30min mentoring sessions earlier in the week that went on as well. But we weren't bribed to talk about it.

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Imaging USA 2008 - Day 3 - Kodak's Photographer of the Year to Watch 2008

Mike and Cody were honored as Kodak's Photographer of the Year to Watch for 2008. They had a 30 min presentation prepared for the crowd. Photo courtesy of Tim from Tim Co!


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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Imaging USA 2008 - Day 2

Mike and Cody took the stage again on the Miller's booth. Drawing a larger crowd than the previous day.

Wandering around after the show, I found Suzyand Meghan from

I swung back by later in the day at the Miller's booth and caught Jackie Haggerty going through her presentation.

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Monday, January 07, 2008

Imaging USA 2008 - Day 1

We started off the day with a speaking engagement at the Miller's booth. We drew in a nice crowd despite a minor audio setback on the presentation. The next presentation will be Monday the 7th at 12:30pm also. If you missed it the first time, come by and have a seat :)

After that, we headed over to hang out at the booth.

If you haven't stopped by to say Hello! Come on by :)

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Saturday, January 05, 2008

Collages full page Ad

Collages launched a full page ad in the Professional Photographer Jan 2008 magazine. If anyone sees a copy at Imaging USA, flip over to page 67 and let us know what you think. Big thanks to Tracy Hicks Photography for coming through in a pinch for us.

Also, if you see a copy of the ad on another magazine, please leave a comment :)

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Imaging USA 2008

TriCoast is in Tampa and we're excited to be here! Imaging USA 2008 will be starting in a few hours and the list of talent is endless. Be sure to come by and say hello at the Collages booth or Miller's booth. Or both! Also, on Jan 8th, be sure not to miss Mike and Cody at the Photographers to Watch segment, sponsored by Kodak. The start time is at 3pm Tuesday, Ballroom D, 1st floor.

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