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Friday, March 28, 2008

Champagne Shootout and FlashPalette

If anyone has a photo rocking out in the T-Shirts thrown out during the Champagne Shootout, check out our sponsor's page at FlashPalette to see if you could win a free T-Shirt.

Or post it the comments :D

- Jordan

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Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Rememberin' Las Vegas

On the last day of Vegas, we headed out to Red Rock Canyon from with the good folks at Don't Box Us In. We had a lot of fun and met a lot of great photographers. It was nice to get together with everyone and shared knowledge.

Few more photos and a new video from Still Motion after the click!

Suzy hiding out in the luggage compartment of the bus that brought everyone to Red Rock.

Michael's rig from Still Motion. Pretty crazy setup...

Jason Domingues

Hungry model. I thought we weren't suppose to feed them???

Parking lot fun.

Here's the video that he crew from Still Motion put together. Pretty cool stuff. More info in their blog.

Leavin' Las Vegas Shootout from Patrick Moreau on Vimeo.

Couple of friends we met in Red Rock:
Jason Groupp
Still Motion
Suzy Makes it Hot
David Beckstead
delSol Photography
Mark Eric
Jason Domingues
Jason Cohen
Kevin King
Dave Cross
John Michael Cooper
Amorphia Photography

I probably left some people out and I apologize for that. Let me know if I did and I'll update it.

- Jordan

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Las Vegas, WPPI 2008

Vegas was exhilarating. Definetly an experience never to be forgotten. Things are finally calming down now. Jet lag is finally seeping away after multiple hot showers in attempts to stay awake. Well, couple shots of expresso definetly helps.

So, while I'm living the cliché by sipping the all new and experimental Honey Latte at the local Starbucks, I figured I'd share some afterthought and images from the week.

The hotel we stayed in was Bally's. I thought it was a rather nice hotel. I'm more accustomed to the Motel 6 and Best Westerns, so this was definetly a step up for me.

More after the jump.

I roomed with Kevin King, out of Arizona. He pretty much bailed me out because at the time, I still did not have a room as I boarded the plane leaving out of Houston. Of course, he worked all day and night on his little project called "Radiopopper". It's not like these little things are going to revolutionized the future of wireless flash photography or anything like that.

On top of that, he had all these little doo-dads laying around. All I could think of was the cool little arc of static electricty hurtling through the air as I reach towards them. Of course he frowned on that idea.
Radiopopper @ WPPI 2008

Ed Pingol, one of my favorite photographers to watch, was running around the convention floor with his cellphone held together by rubber bands.

Now, I'm not a rubber band kinda guy, but rather duct tape or gaffer tape. And I don't leave home without it. I know Ed wants to be cool like us at TriCoast. So I hooked him up with a piece of tape. No more worries about losing that battery Ed. And Your Welcome!

Always hardworking, well, hardly working, Ted from Millers. Ted has always took care of at TriCoast. He was even back behind the curtains with me at the Champagne Shootout cracking the whip and making sure I get the images processed in a timely manner.

While at the Miller's booth, Lori Gragg, a friend and photographer out of Georgia, was going over her segment on re-touching images. I found it interesting, but wish I had the time to watch the whole presentation. I grabbed a quick shot of her doing her thing. Hopefully one day, she could make me look presentable in a photos :D

"OMG, IT'S TIMCO!" and Kori Burkhead Two very fun individual. :)

Over at the WHCC booth, Kevin Jairaj was just getting setup for his presentation. KJ, our neighbour out of Dallas, has an image that graced the cover of the WPPI '08 Show Guide. Very cool photo.

Later on at the WHCC booth, THE JEN HILLENGIA, shows off her photoshop skill. Her assistant Joy is playing security, making sure no one rushes up for an autograph during the presentation.

Our good friend and awesome photographer, Kevin Jordan chillin' at the Larson booth. Kevin bailed us out at the Champagne Shootout. He came out and helped us with the studio lighting portion of the shoot. Anytime I think studio lighting, this is the man I think of.

Calm before the storm. Mike and Cody hanging out with Tom Bagby before taking the stage. If you look in the background, you can see Megan from Collages "Vogue-ing" out for us.

I'm not the center stage kinda person. When this crowd mobbed the booth, I had to get out.

If you don't know us, this is who we are. We don't wear fancy suits and ties. We don't even wear shoes most of the time. We're not rockstars. Just photographers. Enjoying life. If we ever get that way, let us know. And we'll change Mike's wardrobe.

While the guys were going over their presentation, Kevin was stirring up a commotion on the sideline with the Radiopopper. Photoshop guru, Dave Cross (on the right), also came by to check out these toys.

Tom & Company speaking at the Millers booth. They have some seriously cool marketing ideas for senior photography. The ones I managed to stay to listen in on, I will definetly use. I might have to fly out to their next speaking engagement to catch the rest of it.

Forget what I said earlier. Mike is such a rockstar...

Mike rocking out at Collages.

The girls of They are awesome!

Just can't get enough of them...

Enough with the convention photos. Lets head outside where Ed is waiting for us. See spot. See spot wave. Yep, that's Ed.

Of course the obligatory photo of you taking a picture of me taking a picture of you...

On down to the little alleyway where we met up with Matt and Sol from Flash Flavor/del Sol Photography, Ed from Ed Pingol Photography, Amina, Patrick and Michael from Still Motion and of course, Kevin from Radiopopper/Kevin King Photography.

It's interesting watching Sol work. She just slides off quietly and no one notices her. While the group was off trying to figure out a game plan to use the RP units, she's already set her sights on the action.

Testing out the Radiopopper in the field. We had asked for permission earlier if we could get a couple shots of the employees spending their break time. The restaurant manager and employees were kind enough to let use them as guinea pigs. I love how Amina and Patrick get right into the middle of the action.

About 15mins before the restaurant opened for business, the manager offered for us to shoot inside. I don't recall any hesitation from any of us in taking up that offer.

Poster child for the Radiopopper.

Couple of random shots inside the restaurant.

Aside from being a ridiculously good photographer and inventor, Kevin is also does the best "I'm a little teapot" song and dance. He's currently looking for a spot on the Vegas dance floors.

So busted!

After the demo, these guys were ready to sit back and relax. I don't blame them. Long day of playing with new toys wears you out.

I decided that these guys were way too serious for me. Their restless minds were planning on taking over the worlds rubber ducky production. I lost interest when they included a hostile Peep takeover.

After leaving the brainstorming section, I met up with Mike, Cody, their parents, their friends, Suzy, Cindy, and a couple other dancers from the laughing ballerina troupe for dinner. Good times, good times...

- Jordan

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Dave Cross and TriCoast - "Cross" Paths in Vegas...

Dave Cross, you know Photoshop Guru of all types of helpful books and such! You know leader of the industry, Adobe loves him, Photographers love him and well all around super guy!!!!

Well TriCoast had the pleasure of meeting Dave at WPPI in Vegas this past week and then got to go on a shootout with him in the Desert the day after WPPI. Needless to say we had a GREAT TIME with him and other amazing people of this wonderful art form!

Read more about Dave's outing with all of us on his blog

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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Radiopopper @ Leavin Las Vegas

Our new and super talented friends from Still Motion out of Canada put together a promo video for Radiopopper. Guess who guest stars in the video?

Here's a link to the blog with the super cool video. Link to blog with super cool video.

If you have trouble spotting us, use the image below as a hint.

Suzy of Suzy Makes it Hot.

Again, big thanks to John Edgar, Amina, Patrick and Michael for not editing us out of the video. Seriously, because everyone else did...

- Jordan

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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Champagne Shootout...

...was AWESOME!!!

It was pretty intimidating. At least for me. Both Mike and Cody performed flawlessly as expected. Just being themselves. Big thanks to Millers for putting us up there. FlashPalette came through for us and supplied T-Shirts to toss out to the frenzied crowds which was cool.

We also had a guest appearance from Ross of Flowsites and Kevin of Radiopopper with some rather surprising gifts.

Here are a couple of images from the shootout.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Radiopopper at WPPI 2008

Throughout most of the day, I hung out at the Collages and Millers booth. Catching up with folks I haven't seen in a while and at the same time meeting new ones. Meanwhile, back in the super secret location, aka hotel room on the 11th floor of Ballys, Kevin is busy getting some demo units put together for some lucky folks. I don't know who they are but I better be one of them... :)

Anyways, couple shots of Kevin while Mike and Cody are resting up for tonight's Champagne Shootout.

Radiopoppers are in production! Kevin is typing up the instruction manual for the units.

- Jordan

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