The Big Easy - was WONDERFUL
Cody, Cindy and Mike drove over to New Orleans this past weekend to spend some time with a wonderful couple and their friends and family in the Big Easy of New Orleans. Starting in your classic Crawfish and Shrimp boil as only the Cajun's can do and ended up on Bourbon Street the entire event was a blast from start to finish.

Friday evening we drove on the other side of the Mississippi River to Deanna and Steven's family's house for some good ol' crawfish, shimp and of course BEER!

The following morning Cody and Cindy woke up early and went down to the 5th floor of our very nice French Quarter Hotel Room to begin capturing the ladies getting ready, while Mike got to sleep in late waiting for The Boys to begin.

Sorry no picture of me sleeping, but just think about how nice those amazing beds in the hotel room felt and me sleeping while Cody and Cindy were hard at work!!! Yeah if your smiling you understand where I was coming from Saturday Morning :)
So on to the Wedding Venue for a great little New Orleans Style place right on the Mississippi River. A short wedding by all accounts (maybe 5 minutes) but still beautiful and emotional every second of the way.

During the Reception we were able to steal away the clients for about 10 mins and capture some shots upstairs in a little dark red hallway which both Cody and I fell in love with!

Finally, after a full day of wedding fun we ended the day by heading down with the couple in our comfy clothes to Bourbon Street for some fun only which New Orleans can give you!

Look at the PURE REAL TERROR in the face of our wonderful groom. To get a kiss from his buddy on his wedding day I do not think was his idea!!!

All in all it was a GREAT weekend in The Big Easy and Deanna and Steven are JUST the clients TriCoast loves to not only capture the wedding day but become life long friends with in the process. I can't wait to go back and enjoy some more Crawfish and Beer!
those images in the red hallway are drop dead gorgeous. Can you explain your lighting set-up for the 2nd and 3rd to last.
AWESOME!! as usual....
Any of these shot with the RP's?
Thank you Claudine and Rob!
We lite the ones in the hallway using Radio Poppers which really came in handy since these images simply COULD NOT BE CAPTURED using just the IR method of wireless flash and well it took me several exposures to get the proper amount of wireless light discharge so Pocket Wizards would have taken much longer to capture the images.
Needless to say the Radio Popper's really worked amazingly well!
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