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Wednesday, May 28, 2008


If you've ever followed the blog, you may recall Eva's story and images from a short while back. Sometime last week, Eva was admitted into the hospital after seizures during lunch. After further arrangements, she was transferred to MD Anderson in Houston. Eva was surrounded by family and friends that came from all over to visit. The staff did their best to make her comfortable. Shortly after 9am on Memorial Day, Eva passed away. Our deepest condolences goes out to Eva's family.

*Update in comments.

Eva is an inspiration to all of us at TriCoast. She is witty, brave, strong and beautiful, even at the most dire of times. She fought through tough situations and kept smiling, if not smirking. At the hospital, she greeted visitors as much as she could. I know she tried to see everyone that stopped by.

I have debated with myself wether or not post this blog. I've had so many emails and comments previously about Eva's story, and how she gave them hope because of how strong and beautiful she is. I was afraid that news of Eva passing on would take that hope away. In the end, I believe Eva would have wanted her story to be told.

Eva, you will be missed, and we will never forget you. Thank you for being who you are.

- Jordan

This slideshow is put together by Mike.

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