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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Bridal at Heather's Glen - Part II

Break time! I guess it's time to put up a couple more portraits of Ann from last week. In case you missed it, here's the link.

We had just hand delivered a small portrait to Heather's Glen, so it should be a nice surprise for Ann on Saturday. (In case you're reading Ann, you'll have to wait till Saturday to see which one we picked out.) Here are a few of our favorites.

Which one is your favorite? There's always a witty remark for these images, but I'll save it for some pull back shots of the shoot. Of course, you'll have to wait for those as well. :)

Break time's over!

- Jordan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No 3 by far!!
All are excellent!!!

10/3/08, 7:17 AM  

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