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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Always look on the bright side of life...

Late last night I was up working on finishing up a Deanna's Senior session from Sunday which Suzy and I shot together in downtown Houston. (See the below post on our blog for her portraits) Getting done around 5am this morning I finally laid my head down for a good "night's" sleep.

The day had been one of those fall days where it simply rained all day long, sometimes hard and sometimes just barely a sprinkle but yet still rain, so much so our dog, Honey, did not like to go outside and get wet to use the restroom. Of course we tried several times to get her to go but the old stubborn lady in her simply said no way to us.

So this morning bright and early at 8am I get a phone call. Waking me up, I thought to myself, this better be damn good, I have only been to sleep for 3 hours.

Answering the phone, alright good reason, business and it needed to be done pretty quickly. Laying there in bed just hanging up the phone with Cody I thought to myself and realized

THERE IS ALWAYS A BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE and this morning it was a very bright thing indeed.

You see sometime during those three hours Honey our lovely pet, our family member dog, decided enough was enough with her colon and blessed me with a nice little piece of dog poo in our bed. Yep our stubborn old lady just could not hold it anymore and laid out a dirt dragon right beside me in bed. You might be asking yourself about this time, what in the hell could be bright about a dog of any kind or anywhere dropping a piece of poo-poo in bed with you.

Well actually there are two things:

(Click the link for as Paul Harvey would say "and now you know the rest of the story"

1) Cody called to get me up early so I would not be rolling around in bed with it

2) (my favorite) IT WAS HARD!!!

So there is your wonderful thought for the day, I hope your day starts off slightly better than mine, and either way remember to ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE OF LIFE!!!

~ Mike


Blogger john salgado said...

Great story mike, I love " dirt dragon" classic, Nice image of you and cody in Professional Photographer this month, very sexy !You guys are one of the best thing about this industry.Thanks for your inspiration .

11/13/08, 12:49 PM  

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