An old friend and his special day
Many of you know that I (Mike) for approximately 15 years was in law enforcement here in the State of Texas. While most of those police years were spent on Crime Scene Investigation the beginning year or two...well lets just say I payed my dues by working in the jail division. During the time of massive over crowding of State Prisons I found myself guarding murders and rapists and just about every other type of hard core criminal you could think of, which of course were shoved into tiny cells with way too many inmates in them. It was at this time I meet David and over that year or so we gained each others trust and well saved each others lives on several occasions during the events of what goes on in a jailhouse.
Well as time goes on, we both have gotten older, somewhat fatter (especially me) and found new loves in our lives. Jessica was a beautiful bride and well David was a great groom, even though he is still as goofy as he always has been. Married in one of the State of Texas oldest churches still standing and in use (5th I think) in a little town of East Columbia, Suzy and I had the great honor of capturing one of my oldest and closest friends. A simple event, no bells or whistles just a simple couple, confessing their love for one another in front of just a few people, in other words a pretty good day!
Here are a few portraits from the day and once again thank you David and Jessica it was an honor to be a part of it!
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