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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Driving and shooting all the way to Mobile, AL

Well this week was extremely busy, both Jordan and I (Mike) had sessions at the start of the week then drove approximately 10 hours to Denny Mfg in Mobile, AL to capture a few images for their new 2009 catalog coming out very soon. So without making you read usless text I will give you a few new backdrops from Denny's. Yeah these are fresh off the presses, well ok fresh off the Photoshop Darkroom!

Shooting on Denny's SuperCloth backdrops, we really never knew what to expect when the drop... well dropped. Needing just simple headshots we did our best to work with the models, using the new drops and of course using lights we were not quite used too. All in all we had a blast, were VERY tired after three days of shooting only to be thanked by having to drive 10 hours back home, get 2-3 hours of sleep, shoot a Saturday wedding during the morning and afternoon then a family session in the late evening at the studio. Yeah to much photography makes MyKey a tired little boy!


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