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Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Pittsburg Kansas - We made it baby!

Had a GREAT time at our main lab Miller's in Pittsburg, Kansas teaching their annual Wedding Workshop. With the class selling out in about 4 hours we were not sure what to expect when we got there. I must admit we had an AMAZING group of people with such an egar attitude to learn, share and just welcome a new and exciting method to wedding day photography. I would like to personally thank Ted, Lisa and the others at Miller's for taking a chance on some "non-traditional" wedding guys to respresent their amazing company!

I think we changed a few wedding photographers lives by showing them a new and exciting way of thinking and seeing light while on the go during the fast paced wedding day. As one person stated;

"Wow, what a cool couple of days! You guys changed some of my perspective on things! My wife and I learned soooo much from you guys and we are boiling with new ideas. Thank you very much for giving us so much information!"

Arriving in style on a private jet, I must admit Miller's took care of us from the moment we stepped onto their jet to the moment they dropped us off at our local county airport.

At the local county airport with the Miller's Jet and a few images from the flight

Myself, Cody and Ted, TriCoast's main guy and reason for being with Miller's is truly more than a rep but a true and honest friend!


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