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Monday, April 21, 2008

Jetsetting again to Columbia, South Carolina!

Off again, right after the Denver, we headed out IAH for another workshop in Columbia, SC. Of course, Continental decided that we were not going to make it on time. Good thing we flew out a day early :)

We sat waiting at the crowded terminal. Several other flights had already been delayed, and there were a mad rush of people rushing from one termina to another to make the connection. Of course these two were oblivious to what's going on around them. One of them is checking email. The other is playing Pack Rat on Facebook...

Of course, the thing that grabs their attention, is the announcement that the plane is that we were not boarding because there was a maintenance crew on board. Makes you wonder...

Of course, once onboard almost 2 hours later, the pilot announced his apologies. And added a nice little gem, that he tried to get a different plane but failed to switch over. But flight maintenance took care of the issue... Our seat belts were already securely fastened and cabin doors locked. No way out now...

We did land safely, so that's a good thing. Our awesome host Kim Bradford picked us up from the small municipal airport and drove us to the house. At over 120mph...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You guys just travel too much. That is the problem:) You look so cute sitting there though and working on your computers side by side.

4/24/08, 9:37 PM  

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