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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Strange videos you find on YouTube...

Browsing through YouTube on a rainy afternoon could be fun. Often times, turning up funny videos of people running into walls or Sandra Bullock's appearance with Kermit the frog.
But something I wasn't expecting turned up today.

Apparently Mike & Cody did a little hallway session while they were Rhode Island. So, for those that will be at the New Hampshire convention at the end of April, you've been warned.

And now, back to Sandra Bullock and the muppets...

- Jordan


Blogger Renea Lynch said...

You guys are crazy! I swear one of these days I'm going to be more than just a ProP's stalker and come to one of your presentations!!! Better yet, wanna watch you and Suz work together! btw... TAG! You're it Mikie! blame it on your fellow ProP'ers. I'm just passing it along to my favorites!

4/15/08, 10:39 AM  

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