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Thursday, October 02, 2008

TriCoast shenanigans at a Bridal session

Ok, some pull backs. This is the kind of crazy shenanigans that goes on behind a TriCoast Bridal session. Mike had already put these images together so that makes it easy for me :)

Spot the weirdo!

Outtake #1 - Our little lighting assistant for the day - one of the bride's friends daughter - By the way this is a pullback of Image #5

Outtake #2 - not sure what I was doing here but it looks like I was caught doing something I should not had been doing

Outtake #3 - Jordan tapes everything up when he works and I MEAN EVERYTHING.......

Outtake #4 - Ahhh how cute, Jordan bonds so well with our clients!!!

Outtake #5 - Give me more ALCOHOL DANG IT !!!!

So much fun :)

Til' next time!

- Jordan


Blogger jason groupp said...

Tricoast = FUN. :) Fun shots guys! Looking forward to seeing y'all soon!

10/6/08, 5:53 PM  

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