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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wedding = Baytown Texas

A while back Cody and I had a WONDERFUL wedding from a young lady which found us almost 3 years before her wedding date. Normally only booking a wedding no more than 1 year in advance we actually accepted this amazing client a little before that and well we are both glad we did.

Here are a few from our special day with our amazing client and her family!

Wendy's Wedding Gown

The Day's events

Wendy walking down the isle not for her wedding but for a first look with her father. You see Wendy's father had not seen his daughter in her wedding gown and well lets just say it was a very special moment of many happy tears when he finally did.

The something blue" aspect of Wendy's wedding day was a piece of her mother's actual wedding dress, a blue wedding dress, cut and placed inside Wendy's dress.

The couple at the alter

The Kiss

On Table goodies from the reception - did I mention I love on table chocolate goodies :)

A couple of the couple on their bubble exit!

Thanks again guys for allowing us to be a part of your special day, you two are amazing people with amazing families!


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