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Friday, July 25, 2008

You Crushed my Cookies.... Say What?

You know traveling all the time with work can get pretty old, downright crazy sometimes. Living from hotel to hotel never knowing where you are, always living out of your suitcase, well needless to say when I saw this video from TriCoast's good friend and truly one of the most talented videographer in the country, Josh from Cinematic Bride I just had to laugh.

Check out Josh being bored in the middle of the night I promise its worth the 5 or so minutes of your life!

Oh and also check out Josh's website for some AMAZING art, truly he is an artist in every sense of the word!



Blogger Katherine said...

OMG..I am chatting with Josh right now and we're laughing our butts off. Josh sounds like a chipmunk who swallowed a tank of helium!

7/27/08, 2:47 AM  

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