So what's new?
I admit, I've been slacking off on the blogging. Then again, who hasn't? :) I know, bad excuse.
So, what's new then? Well...
1. We are no longer using digital equipment. We all went back to shoot with film. Medium format Holga's to be exact. Implementing Fujinon lenses now. Polaroids are once again used instead of the LCD.
2. Mike had a high colonic. And he liked it.
3. Suzy has the runs. Welcome to Lake Jackson!
4. Cody is now bald and has several piercing through the nose, eyebrow and lips. He can no longer have soup.
5. Cindy is now bald and has several piercing through the nose, eyebrow and lips just like Cody. She can no longer have soup either.
6. Jordan is hospitalized for mistaking desiccant silica gels for Jelly Bellys. Doctors speculating brain damage.
7. Denny's Manufacturing has partnered with TriCoast, not knowing how insane we are. Sample images coming soon. The backgrounds rocked!
8. Some dude named James Karney wrote a book titled "The Official Photodex Guide to ProShow". And TriCoast is in it!!!
9. TriCoast will be speaking at Imaging 2009 on January 11. In 2009. At 7:30am. 7:30am. In Arizona. More details to come later.
10. Later that same day, TriCoast will be photographing dead people* utilizing wireless flash technology at EPIC. (Evidence Photographers International Council). The program will run from 11am to 7pm.
Pre-order your meal for the day.
Basic: 2 donuts, 16oz coffee
Essential: 2 donuts, 20oz coffee, and 1 kolache
Long day: 3 donuts, 20 oz coffee, 1 kolache, 1 breakfast taco
Hardcore: 3 donuts, 20oz coffee, 2 kolaches, 2 breakfast tacos and 1 bacon, cheese and egg burrito.
11. TriCoast is also looking for Senior Reps in your local senior home. I mean High School Senior Reps in your local high school...
12. Numbers 1 through 6 is not true. Not even a little.
13. More updates soon!
- Jordan
* Dead people meaning models pretending to be dead and splattered with a mixture of red dye #42 and karo syrup. What a gig...
mmmmmm, Karo syrup.
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