Hey shoot a wedding - get caught on fire......WHAT?

In a very dark neat bar with only video lights as a light source I slightly caught on fire while the shooting the boys before their wedding. Again in a GREAT little bar in the middle of nowhere East Texas the boys were doing what boys normally do, having a few drinks (which were VERY good I must admit) and throughout the day somehow - someway the boys decided to have some flaming dr. peppers for everyone in the house. Now I have been around the world a little bit and I have had my fair share of flaming Dr. Peppers but this was a first for me. The first hint should have been when the boys were about 15 feet from the bar whe

The bartender started off by lighting a little 151 rum on top of a glass turned up sidedown, then poured some 151 on his fingers and in his mouth (and I mean ALOT in his mouth) then lite his fingers on fire. After that he turned into Gene Simmions of KISS and choose to blow fire about 12 feet surrounding the bar (remember I was about 5 feet from the drink) and well the rest is history. Though the flames surrounded me I continued to shoot the scene. Now before you go WOW Mike's a real photographer, he shoots no matter what is going on around him..... NO I was so freaking shocked the flames went around me and it happened so fast I just frooze and luck for me when I frooze up my finger was pushed on the shutter which continued to get the shots. So reality is I WAS LUCKY :)
So enjoy these photos of a REAL Flaming Dr. Pepper with a slight singe of MyKey!!!!
Here the bartender (AKA: Gene Simmons) is setting the drinks on fire

Here the bartender is setting MyKey on fire :)

And they are just about ready to drink while still on fire!
wow, that's awesome. the 2nd image from the "flaming set" is comedy. can't see anything BUT fire. you're crazy, man.
They should have told you to step away. Just so you know Russel does that about 10 times a night on average. You guys are awesome at waht you do. To bad you were not able to spend the day with the bride's maids, we did enjoy having cody around very much!!! I can not wait to see the final pictures.
Bridesmaid number 3, Hiilary
Hilary I have the images ready to view just waiting on the Bride and Groom to hit me up so I can give them the password and username :)
It was fun meeting you all, you guys are amazing people and truly made our day so much easier!
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