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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

MyKey Eye Hurts - OUIEEEEE

Well I had a little problem today with my eye, well for a while now and got it taken care of today. My right eye does not produce enough water so my dry eye problem caused the ducts in my upper eye lid to clog up and then get infected. After a couple weeks of a very swollen and red and painful eyelid I was left with a Chalazion or a lump in my eye lid. Since I use my eyelid slightly in this amazing artform I figured it was worth trying to get it back to its normal shape and size so under the knife I went.

Laying in the chair at the eye doctors office was not a problem, I had been there many times before having worn glasses since early highschool days, but this time was a little different. The Doctor, who is a strange fellow himself, leaned the chair back, much like a chair at the dentist office, and then told me to look down. Slowly but surely coming at my eye was a nice long needle that when stuck in my eye felt like a bumble bee stinging me in the eye. After that the rest went easy, a little pressure here, a little blood there and then a nice patch and I was done. So enjoy my nice little eye pic, its about all I could do without getting dizzy :)


Blogger Chrissie Raysor said...

Sure, sure, likely story. You know you're just trying to tap in to the Pirates of the Carribean hype.

;-) Hope you heal quickly and easily!

5/29/07, 4:25 PM  
Blogger shell said...

Hey pirate guy, hope you're back to ship shape soon! Thought maybe the flames might have fixed that up for ya without the needle, but no...see, stuck your head in the fire for nothing I guess. Oh, wait, it wasn't for nothing, you got some great pix!

5/29/07, 9:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeeouch! Feel better soon!!!

5/29/07, 10:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,
Hope your eye heals fast!!
Hang in there trooper :)
Ruby Rideout

5/30/07, 1:10 PM  
Blogger Marco from Houston said...

Wow, Mike! You are looking younger/different every day! What's your secret?! :-)

5/30/07, 2:51 PM  
Blogger ed pingol said...

holy crap! wow.... seriously, i hope it gets better. how long is the recovery?


5/30/07, 3:58 PM  
Blogger Chris Uglanica said...

Hey MyKey,

I hope you're feeling better soon bud. I've got a buddy who has a similar problem, and goes under the knife about once a year or so.

6/1/07, 11:09 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you didn't get that flaming Dr.pepper in your eye. I show eveyone I know those photos. That is the coolest thing I have ever seen. Hope you get better. Love Houston!

7/5/07, 8:53 PM  

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