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Monday, July 30, 2007

Well we have internet connection again!!!

Well we are back from Africa now in Amsterdam for another photography job and a little travels in Europe.

All I can say is WOW about Africa, we did so much in such a short period of time in Uganda. Beautiful people, amazing country, wonderful time.

I know I wanted to update as we went but we did not have internet connection anywhere in the country since we were out in the TRUE Uganda and not in some rich country club hotel room.

In the coming days I will be posting images from the country side, the birth of the Nile River (yeah the one that runs through Egypt) and many other stories from our event.

Sorry for the delay in posting but I promise to make it up soon now that we are back to somewhat a normal internet connection.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike, I know you're having a great time. We can't wait to see some pictures. Stay safe!!

7/30/07, 9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Mike! We are waiting to see some amazing images!!!

7/31/07, 2:45 PM  
Blogger ed pingol said...

oooh, can't wait to see some kick-butt imagery.

impatiently waiting,

8/6/07, 1:25 PM  

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