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Saturday, September 15, 2007

WPPI - Champagne Shootout BABY!!!

Well it is Official!

There won't be any hooks, jabs or upper-cuts in the ring... but there are sure to be some knock-out shots! The thrid annual Champagne Shootout challenges foru top photographers - Each in their own neutral corner with their own stage, models and projection screens - to create the most outstanding image possible. Watch how they work, hear how they direct and interact, and treat yourself with the largest ice cream sundae bar you've ever seen!

Officially billed under my name (Mike Fulton) both myself and Cody along with some other assistants, TriCoast will be part of the WPPI 2008 Champagne Shootout with other amazing photographer such as Joe Buissink and Vicki Taufer.

So make your plans now and come join TriCoast at the Bally's Event Center, Monday, March 17th, 9:00pm - 11:00pm

We plan on taking over this shootout, TriCoast style with wireless flash, video lights and a whole heck of a lot of FUN! Check out this months Rangefinder (Sept 07) Issue for more information on the Champagne Shootout and WPPI Convention!

Thanks to our Sponsor Miller's Lab (They Rock the World with their color)



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